Student Survival Guide To...

by Heba Keshk on 18th of February 2008


Most of us, especially in our first and second year of our course will attend at least two lectures a week, if not more.

And as much as Nando's seems more appealing then a one hour lecture, if you think about it, in the long run maybe lasting through a lecture is somewhat more beneficial.

The Facebook group, I pay 3,000/yr to listen to lecturers to read Powerpoint, now has accumulated 7000 members.

But how can the average hung over student survive this horrific ordeal.


Always arrive to lectures a little bit early, to give you a few minutes to catch up with your mates and time to get your final text messages out the wayĆ¢€¦otherwise you'll miss the intro due to lack of multi tasking skills.

Photographer Samantha Bruce

If you only have one lecture in a day with no other lessons, don't see it as a waste of time. It does not very proffesional, to sit blankly through a seminar.

Firstly you will get marked down and at the end of the year, you'll kicking yourself saying, "I should of just turned up to that lecture."

If your feeling zoned out or extremely bored out your brains, the least you can do is record the lecture so you can hear it back before the seminar and you can also refer back to it in the future.

If your loosing concentration and cannot keep up with the note taking and end up doodling, try and at least write the most vital information down even if its in bullet points! And don't forget the handouts.

Copying off your mate might seem like the easy option at the time. Then D-day arrives and you must start writing the 2,000 word essay.

But the notes you copied make no sense to you as each individual has their own style of writing that may only work with them. Do not risk it.


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