So Its been a WHOLE month of unemployment.
forget Piggy Banks and Overdraft.. I actually had to touch my credit card (which I have NEVER touched before this unemployment business)
I have Enough bill to pay! My sister has began feeling sorry for me. Paying for anything we do while we are out. Don't get me wrong, YAY I'm getting freebies, but her tone has changed to where i can here exactly how she feel...... SHE PITIES ME!!! What is wrong with me!! I Love Freebies when I'm employed... but this feeling....?
I felt Like A TRAMP!! :(
But its cool, with my first pay I shall pay all my outstanding debts to my sister!
Back to actually being employed.....
I have had two interviews with the bank...The manager is so grounded... Think I am actually gonna be working for a bank....
Ohhh Just got a call from the Manager.......... I HAVE BEEN OFFERED THE J.O.B.
Is that you Heba? Yes indeed it is!
I'm Officially EMPLOYED! Oh Gosh I owe my sister loads of money..
Now I'm thinking maybe I should pay her back with my second pay, I mean my first one will be needed to catch up with bills and shopping... you know?...
no No I will stick to my word.. Pay her back With first pay!
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