Grrr..... I'm ill!!! Left work early as I felt my head would blow if I stayed any longer! Not only do I have this cold/flu/feaverish ish that's going round...... But Aunty Flow is here and she aint shifting for a minute.
So thought I'd write a likkle something something!
Now to the topic...... living in London, you are bound to bump heads with celebs.
And as a youth I always wanted to meet Donell Jones and Tyrese.... But I didn't Wanna come across as a crazy ass fan (which i AM!) but instead a clam person who doesn't really know who they are just "bumped" into them and thought "hmm Cute!" .........
Kept telling myself I won't scream with excitement and I won't talk about them....but instead.. I'd act "coooool" so they thinks "wow shes a fly chic and she isn't obsessed with me!!!" Looooool! Gosh did I give it too much thought.. but I was 13 going on 30 at the time.
Then there is REALITY!!! I'll begin with the list of people I met.. And yes some are 'LOL' Random:
- Musiq Soulchild
- Fundamental (yes they were famous and girls did and prob still getting excited over them.. especially that Kyle.. Yummmy! Aheem )
- Kat (Presenter)
- Cleopatra (back when they are "Cleopatra coming atchya")
- 112
- Jahiem
- Ginuwine
- Imajn (remember...... "shorty you keep playing with my mind.. you tease me all the time but I had Enough")
- Dru Hill (in Pizza Hut)
- Destiney's Child
So I've met allllllll these people and with every single one of them I didn't know what to say. (well besides cleopatra.. I just spoke to them casually)
Only after I walked away from them do I know what to stay!! And gosh Di
Then there are Celebs that I have seen but not approached and this is Why:
- Do I approach them and accidentally bug the hell out of them as obviously I wasn't the first or last person to approach them in one day and them thinking "so that's sad fan number 203 for today"
- Say Hi and that's it? now I'd look like a random person just saying Hi to random people
- Do I say "I really like your material/acting/voice (etc)" for them to say thank you and walk away.....
- smile at them as i'm going past so they could go "ok freak!!"
- They'd think I was trying to be "too cool " and not say hello.
- I was rude to ignore them like they I don't know who they are
- They may get depressed that they are going past hundreds of people and not a single person acknowledged them
I saw him on Saturday in Fulham Broadway when I was going Cash point inside Sainsbury's.... He was leaving Sainsbury's as I was going in.... I instantly recognized him.. told my sister and she was not bothered ..... But me being a fan of his work I really wanted to do someth
Then on my way up to go movies, I saw him in Joy!! another eye contact but not even a friggin smile could come out of me!! again WTF is wrong with me?? Dude I just look rude .. or could he read the excited/cool look in my eyes? and thought "keep away from the crazy bitch!" lol!
I know your all thinking..... Hebz its not like its "T.I or something" well for your information "T.I is just a normal person to someone else in the states.. and Taio is Talented" ........ Thank you!!
so this is a useless blog..... But I got to release my thoughts......