So Everyone has been stressing over the Swine flu! I mean even I thought I had it!! (Which I DONT).... But there's gotta be a limit to how far people are taking it!!
I was on the train the other day and I was having a mini party in my head listening to Some Mos Def and Talib Kwali........ and as like most people who have hayfaver I sneezed when I made contact with fresh air filled with Pollen!!

Bare in mind I has to stop my party unexpected to release this funky feeling in my nose...aka 'The Sneeze"..... So my main concern was to close my eyes and return to the party that I left sooo rudely...... although THAT didn't quit go dooown!!!!!!
I looked up to see most of the carriage staring at me like I had blurted "FUCCCCCCCCCCCCK" so loudly! No No ....... I just sneezed!
And thanks to the good old adverts in the newspapers and this SERIOUS video (Below) most people where prepared to handle any sneeze they produced.. they simply Catch it.... Bin it ... Kill it! ... ...........Well I wasn't!! Oh my Gosh did I feel like people wanted to kill me for it!
The hand I used to cover my mouth had no where to go! it just floated in mid air . Yes I know "along with my Germsssss!!!!!"...... I was AFRAID to place it anywhere...Not to even to hold the paper!
People where watching me like I was a Tiger without a leash! Damn Homies, you need to relax...... !

Some people moved away (although there wasn't much room to move IN) and others kept looking at me in disgrace like I just blurted a racist remark!! WTF !!
Luckily for me!!! ....... A baby in a pram who wasn't too far from me sneezed THREE times.... Oh my Gosh I was soooo Excited!! You are questioning why? HELLO The pressure and attention wasn't on me anymore! IT was on THE KID!! And the parents!!
Mwahahahha! However by that point some people were seriously freaking out.... I'm talking about people Switching Carriages or simply leaving the train and waiting on the next! No!!.. that child didn't blurt the word "fuck" nor did she look like a tiger and Definitely didn't shout out a racist remark! People where too much! I, at that point, actually laughed a little loudish.. thinking its Ridiculous!!

Is it just me or has Anyone Else experience some crazy ish on public transport linked to the Pigs flying ish??? Its officially a CRiME to sneeze on the London Underground!! Friggz!
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