I have came to a realization that Alcohol isn't a good look!
I don't drink but don't mind being surrounded by people who are, but why do people drink to get drunk? Lack of confidence? they need a drink to dance the night away Low self esteem? a few drinks to pluck up the courage to make a move on someone or get flirtatious... or just an excuse to act a fool and get loud and obnoxious... Just plain DUMB!?!
On the way to my friends house we drove through central London, we took a corner first thing I saw was a couple standing outside their car ahead. The man was suited and booted and had a massive awkward smile on his face (almost embarrassed) when we caught eyes, then I realised he stood away from his girlfriend , as we drove past I saw this tall lady in beautiful cream and brown dress throwing up in the corner, and had it on her dress.
Imagine if it was a first date? Its not a Good Look maan! How unattractive... Why would someone get themselves so hammered to make a fool out themselves? why end a night like that? IT could of turned uglier..... Drink Driving = Someone Dying!!! Me Nah Care how good of a driver you are!!
SO society has made a joke of it. Possibly in this situation is something worth laughing over as it was two of them together.
However on our journey we came across a guy dressed in a black suit, walking down the street so messed up, his legs weren't even functioning, he looked so distressed and could of easily got knocked over as he was so tilted when he was walking that he was walking on his ankles (his foot was so twisted in as he was walking his ankle was touching the ground)
Now this situation is far from funny, he was alone, in a back street of west end and clearly had no coordination and i would safely guess had not idea where he was heading to.
To me he looked Hella vulnerable. why would you :
a) Get so hammered?
b) leave alone, man or girl, you are soo exposed to such negativity
c) Not arrange transport?
Its far from cool to be getting hammered alone? So lets assume he wasn't alone and he simply left a club after partying with friends.... where his friends at?
Same situation but with a girl.. I say just as vulnerable , regardless of girl or guy.. .
Saw another guy... SAME SITUATION.
So that's four people in an ugly place, from having a "Fun night out".... really??
Thats Just four people that "stumbled" across ME, in central London in a car journey. Meaning this is just a fraction of the drinking population in London, let alone the
Don't get me wrong this is not the first time I've seen it, but its the first time to see it and be THAT bothered by it.
Yesterday made me reflect Alcohol to whats really going on with the government.
Alcohol is behind many murders, attacks and suicides. Why do people even touch it?
If you think about it....why did the Government reclassify weed? because it COULD Cause mental health problems, which links to murders and suicide. But it can be argued that A LOT of people smoke weed from teachers, politicians, youth and people aged 50+ but have no negative effect.
Smoking weed without the scent can almost go unnoticed. Yet alcohol is very evident and worrying...
Just looking at peoples behavior on road leaves ME so distressed.
I'm a sucker for talk shows, fake or not, the main reason for break ups and huge mistakes on these shows are linked DIRECTLY to Drinking! ITs it really worth losing Life and loved ones??
Forgetting the minor effects and outcome = embarrassment/foolishness and uncontrollable emotions.
Reason for abusive relationships are dominantly influenced by alcohol. The outcome is ugly and sometimes fatal...
So I ASK ....... why are people even going there? not everyone goes out for the intention to get drunk but that does not always go to plan..
Would you stick your hand in fire with the intention not to get burnt?
I won't get in deeper than I have as I'm just venting how I felt yesterday.
If you drink but never gotten drunk then cool... however if you've done one too many dumb things and/or gotten some what aggressive and acted foolish coz your drunk..........Then You NEED TO CHECK YOURSELF HOMIE!
its a shame that the situations your described are so familiar....these are typical situation you'd come across every friday and saturday night. quite sad, but very true. i, like yourself, do not drink... but i can understand why people would feel quite pressured to drink. because alcohol, is glamourised! you see it everywhere and its usually associated with positive things...i.e. socialising, respect, acceptance! its crazy...i remember our uni's freshers fair. most societies were recruiting members by promoting 'free drinks, free condoms and free rape alrams'...free drinks?! happy hours?!...don't they encourage people to get drunk out of their heads...especially poor, vulnerable and broke students!!! (free condoms and free rape alarms...i guess thats another blog). so i can empathise why people will almost feel pressured to drink...today, we live in a generation where its not cool not to drink...and i find that quite sad...why can't it be cool to just enjoy yourself...by being yourself! and i can't help but to question...perhaps its the fact that there are restrictions with alcohol (e.g. age limits) thats why people rebel..? because if we look at mediterranean cultures most children are brought up with a glass of wine with dinner and they grow up knowing how to handle alcohol and hence see it as a casual drink (maybe like pepsi or orange juice...?).
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