Don't get Londoners when it comes to Underground!!!!!!
Every morning as I set out to work, I do my Daily Prayer to get to work Safely (yes I do!!) then as I reach the train station, I get my iPod out and try and find at least two tracks in a row that I wanna hear to set the tone for my day.
Now I'm that I've gotten my metro and waiting for my train, all the songs I wanna hear first thing in the morning have been long gone and now I'm just letting whatever song that comes on get me through the my journey to work.
Ideally all I want to do is turn my music up as loud as possible to drown the noise of people coughing and the driver who keeps reminding us that we are held at a signal at every Darn station.
However owe to LOVELY WONDERFUL (Gritting my Teeth) TFL we have all these new Campaigns that clearly state that I Shouldn't... so These are my rules:
- If i can see the sign on my train.. my music is lowered..
- If for some reason I cannnnnnnnnnnn't......... then I am blazing my beats. (If I can't see it then it doesn't count!!!)
My music is up and on most occasions its not FULLY up, but today IT WAS UPPPP!! London Underground is known for being rubbish, which results to all passengers feeling like a herd of sheep as they are shoving each other on the train.... SO Imagine everyone VEXED!!! with the 1 in 5 person more Vexed than the rest.
So being a bad atmosphere on the train, my music being up is bound to piss someone off.. but you know what? I can hear some techno music screaming from someones ear from across the carriage, so as the TFL would put it, that gives me the "Green Signal" to pump ....UP!
Yes, I got a few 'tuts' here and there.... a people would actually STOP reading , so they can simply identify the culprit (which is of course me and three others (on average) ) SO THEY CAN STARE!!! Until I make eye contact and they shake their heads in disgrace and carry on reading!!
SO I then smile and carry on
Coz of course my little noise is MUCH MUCH louder than people's sneezing, coughing and talking... not forgetting the sound of the train moving!!!
Now to the purpose of this blog...
Summary of above...
people are so bothered by my music.... .
sooooooo Its Home time..... Same thing applies.... Music on, No sign = Music as Loud as Ever... Its been a long day and like most people I am TIRED, Frustrated and Just Want to get home as QUICK as possible.
I sigh with relief as my train pulls up and even happier when i find a spot for me to lean on closest to the door. SO all i need to do now is relax close my eyes and let the music take over........... OR NOT!!!!
As Dwele is midway through a riff a group of, or what I justified to myself as a Group of Football (amateur) Hooligans began to chant together, but as they were soo WASTED at .. (I look at the time) 5:30PM!!! their words are barely understandable....
They then start mumbling after repeating their chants a Few TOO many times! Thinking finally I can get back into my zone... so lets rewind Dwele back as i missed a bit.
OMG did I NOT have the RELAXED journey that I wanted! They didn't not just Chant.. The FATTesT dude out of them decided to lift his top and hold his Belly like hes pregnant. WTF!! He then "accidentally" hit a woman's book and then shouted at her to let him know what happens in the final chapter.... had he been sober , that would of been funny as he was just making a joke out of a accident but he became aggressive and midway he'd begin chanting which made his mates start off again!
Now I must emphasis on this...... They are in the middle of the carriage and EVERYONE on that carriage and the next could hear what they were shouting as if they were next to them........... They became verbally abusive and made everyone uncomfortable.. ..
What killed it all was that.................. NOT A SINGLE PERSON TUTED AT THEM...... Not even asked them to lower their voices.. NOTHING... NOT EVEN A STARE!!!!!!
Check this............ I ........... I .......I Get given the Evils because my music is UP! ME??? Abuse aggression is of course so much more ACCEPTABLE IN THIS SOCIETY!! Further more...... how can THEY hear my music when I can't due the LOUD Shouting and Chanting that the ignorant bullies were forcing upon EVERYONE!!!!!
The train was just as packed as this morning...difference is people where more frustrated then ever as we ALL wanted to go home to Silence.........
Please someone explain to me HOW this one works out?
I get nasty looks and all the noises under the sun due to the fact a few people can hear a faded tap coming from my ear.. and PLEASE I LISTEN TO NEO_Soul so that not Exactly NOISE!!!
Techno........ Rock...... Dance......... Trance........ on a train....... NOT A GOOD LOOK !!! Or at least not BLAZING ON A PACKED TRAIN!!
p.s There were NOT going to a match.. they were just wasted FAR TOO EARLY!!!
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