Its exactly what us Ladies do! We trust our men, but are still tempted to look on his phone... Then we find the most silliest thing to hold against him... 90% of the time we know he ain't cheating.. we just wanna FIGHT!
"Whats wrong? you say nothing, but I can blatantly see that its something!"
Now what WE ladies fail to understand is ... Men are simple... so after we see it we get all iggy and funky but refuse to directly say anything... Instead we get cold/screw our face... for every conversation he generates we reply with two words at best... Leaving him to get frustrated and getting him to repeatedly ask if everything is ok ......
"I ask if you want food? You say no but I can hear your belly rumbling"
Why we do this I don't know! But it takes 3 to 4 times of him asking if we are ok for us to turn around and say "don't worry about it" or "I donno YOU tell ME" ...WTF!! LOL!

Mind games are truly on! I must reiterate... Men are simple and aren't too phazed!! So they won't beg us for an answer, they'll just leave you be, however somehow something they says so innocently turns into a massive outbreak from our side (like we time it...."not now.. not now... not.. now.......EXPLODE!!).....
"Why you acting like a Pessimist....looking through my messages..don't you trust man?"
Referring back to the fact that guys are simple... it also means us ladies take it to another level of emotion and thought... So, a simple "hey John, how are you babes?" text, leads into "omg she called him babes.. what!! Is she something special, why is she calling him by his first name.. its not formal coz she said babes at the end... " then we take it to another level "is she trying to sound sexy or sumthing.. wtf is she doing textin? Who is this Alicia??" LOOOOOOOOOL!
Where else the guy is 'Simply' thinking.. "erm its just mate.. " and believe it or not... it is what it is...
" I'm a big man I can get calls when I like"
Don't get it twisted ... Some guys are playing around ... but us ladies do make things ten times worse by creating a whole episode of Eastenders in our head (theme tune and all!!) instead of asking a few questions then knowing where/how to drop it!! In this track Bashy mentions how shes crying... Its not because of what HE said... its THAT episode of Eastenders is STILL playing in her head with the dramatic ending, which is "OMG hes messing with her and has 3 kids with her, that I don't know of.......BABY MAMA DRAMA!!!" .. The imagination WONDERS faaaaaaaaar!
What next? We want to end things! Want to dramatically walking away..... Causing an unnecessary scene!! Grr!! LOL!
Ladies..... Let a guy have his females and stop fishing for stuff to fight about ....
Guys... A girl will sometimes cause this as shes attention seeking.. sometimes she doesn't even know it.. but it IS!! So it should end with you hugging her up and reminding her how much she means to you... even if its JUST TO SHUT HER UP!!!
Listen to these lyrics and LAUGH!!! ......
Bashy- Pryin' from Chupa Chup Mixtape...
Show Your Support..... If you like it share this.. if you love it..... go to iTunes... purchase for 79p!!
Buy!!! Don't Bootleg!!
I think Pryin needs to be played by every man to his partner; been there and literally 'left my room for a sec, innocent, left my phone on the bed, come back in the room with her drink, but the expression on her face is all stink…’
I would like to say that I am a decent-to-good boyfriend, I can be a complete basta*d at times, but I have my moments of prince charming - like most men I guess. I would say that I am ‘boyfriend material’. I say this because my man dem seem to attract girls just wanting to erm…have sexual intercourse with them; I seem to get the girl that thinks I'm going to be her husband (still trying to work out who's got the better deal, me or my boys :s)
However, every girl I've been with (and its not that many) apart from one, has at one point or another tried too (got a security code on my phone still!) or managed to go through my phone and read my text messages. Now, I know there are men out there who are cheating, as there are women, and true I can come across as a flirt, have plenty of plutonic female relationships and can appreciate that a girlfriend might feel insecure from time to time. However, before I commence a relationship with these girls I fully explain that I do talk to a couple of my ex's (OMG controversial!) and have lots of female friends, so the girls are fully aware of what they are getting themselves in for. Of course women get paranoid if their man has a degree of ‘swagger’ or a girl called Shantel rings their man's phone at one second past midnight, but I think women can also can paranoid when their boyfriend shows complete trust in them.
All women want a confident boyfriend - someone who trusts them and is secure in themselves - well in theory anyway; and I say 'in theory' simply because I contain these characteristics, and because I don't scrimmage through their text messages or ask them who they are going raving with, they seem to think my comfort is being inflicted from me seeing another woman and not caring. It seems these women want a man who is constantly asking to look through their phone; stalking them when they go out, and putting a 'tag' on their leg to know their every step, well in my experience.
Back to the point of this comment, I recently had a girlfriend who managed to clock my phone security code (slipping, I know, sorry to my fellow brothers outs there for breaking protocol number 37) and go through my text messages. I have two phones (for legal business purposes only, I am not a drug dealer nor am I a pimp or anything) and the phone she HACKED into doesn’t have any numbers saved to memory (I’m lazy and couldn’t be bothered to transfer 250 numbers). Anyways to cut a long story short me and my boy were cussing each other via text and the last text he sent me said ‘Lol, that one actually made me laugh, Bless I love you you f***ing w**ker’.
However before this girl got to the ‘f***ing w**ker bit’ she had already made up her mind that someone (female in her head) had said that they had loved me (OMG!) Anyways, I shortly walked into my room to see her jump and look very suspicious containing stoosh body language and a very big screwface (words of Bashy’s Pryin’ lyrics were beginning to echo in my head). I asked her what was wrong and as the Street Journalist mentioned in her article the girl continued to say ‘nothing, nothing, just leave it…..then kablam!...why don’t you tell me what’s wrong Bless! (bare kissing of teeth by now) I went through your phone and saw a text message saying ‘love you’ and it weren’t from me!’. Completely bemused by the situation, I went through my phone to find out the text was in fact from my boy Jerome, and told her that it was from him not a girl (with more kissing of her teeth), and asked if she had read the text completely. She read it again, now looking quite confused and said ‘I don’t care you are cheating on me!’…WTF! I then did the precious deed of typing the number into my other phone where Jerome number came up…SHAME! Then in response to all of this drama all I got was a quiet ‘sorry’ whispered from underneath her breathe. Now audience, sorry is a precious word, but there are times when the word sorry can not simply justify a situation, I was completely incensed. ‘SORRY’, I shouted, ‘Are you serious, you’ve just accused me of cheating on you, literally saying our relationship is a joke (maybe I went a bit to far, plus there was a lot of swearing involved) blah blah blah…again I quote Senor Ashley ‘Bashy’ Thomas – Prying. My point to my comment, erm I’m still trying to work it out, but ladies I hope you can learn a thing or two from this or cuss me (either way it provoked an emotion) and gentlemen, I hope you can relate.
Peace :D
True words. I will hold my hands up.. i have done this whole, freak out " why are you getting texts this late.. from who.. about what" I look back and cringe! The self-concious, low self esteemed women is not a good image to portray to your man or in the mirror. Relationships should be based on respect,trust and communication. For ages i struggled with exs having female friends whom they said was platonic but my then insecure self would create a drama around them( Eastenders!-omnibus!!!) i then felt like a huge hyporcrite when i spoke to my strictly platonic male friends and saw my man look at me as if i was stupid lol.
Unfortunately we cannot have it both ways, the way we want to be treated should be instantly reflected in how we treat our other halves. Many a time i have exploded and then calmed down and been like.. "he only said she was a friend.. erm kie..why you being like that??!" lol!
Don't get me wrong.. some men are long and will play a girl around because they have that trust, many break what was already given to them. Which i think in turn makes women have trust issues with the next relationship they enter. I think it's important to start afresh.. and DEFINITELY hug your girl to show her how much you care.......even if it is to shut her up! :)
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