I'm sure you've all heard the adverts on radio, seen the posters and watched the adverts on TV......
ItDoesntHaveToHappen is an anti-knife crime campaign designed to involve and captivate young people, to promote peace on the street, within their own communities.
Throughout February and March 2009, a number of anti-knife crime events took place in the 10 Tackling Knives Action Programme (TKAP) across England and Wales.
The events included school activities, street theatre, football tournaments, peer-to-peer marketing initiatives and workshops in attendance centres, all of which engaged thousands of young people with anti-knife crime messages.

ItDoesntHaveToHappen events were coordinated by young people, police, teachers, youth workers and community groups.
The campaign has now expanded, earlier this year a BeBo page was dedicated to ItDoesntHaveToHappen. The page allowed young people to take part, air their views and create their own ItDoesntHaveToHappen poster.
In addition, UK musicians, DJs and Actors have also took part in spreading the message.
Richard Blackwood dedicated a "Real Talk" seminar to ItDoesntHaveToHappen...

Trevor Nelson has carried out a number of interviews.....
Galxey FM, Choice FM and , Kiss FM have all deisgned radio shows and anti knife crime workshops.....
Most Recently a song has been released called
"Don't Shank, Just Skank It"
The line up on the track is: Donaeo, Meleka, Rollin' G, MC Neat & DJ Luck, Fr3e and KIG... also featuring in the video is Adam Decon, Kid Gospel, Noel Clarke, Zest, DJ Twist, James DeGale and J-Star.
ItDoesntHaveToHappen is now asking YOU to make your own video, imitating the Skank... so if you think you can make a wicked video and wanna share it click HERE
Peep this video and Show your Support.... If you like it pass it on... if you love it leave feed back on ItDoesntHaveToHappen
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