Omarion and Bow Wow - Face Off

by Heba Keshk on 24th of January 2008

Omarion and Bow Wow first appeared together in their collaboration Let Me Hold You in 2005.

Three years later they finally did what both their fan bases have always wanted: a collaboration album.

Face Off brings the lyrics and vocals of the incredible Omarion of B2K, and Bow Wow formally known as Lil' Bow Wow. Both on one album, together on each track, surely this could not be more ideal.

It seems that the album tries to recuperate R. Kelly's and Jay-Z's Best of Both Worlds but how do they match up?

The album is full of chart toppers, such as their usual lovey dovey tracks such as Girlfriend and Baby Girl, which shows a mature side to the double act.

However their choices of words aren't exactly what you would call romantic:

"She's my girl but I wanna tip her/yeeah/And her body's built like a stripper."

Mature side to the double act

For the charts and club scene there are a few tracks that would work effortlessly as a club banger.

They are Hey Baby (Jump off), Number Ones and Another Girl.

Another potential hit that stands out is He ain't gotta know about me which is co-written by T-pain. T-pain also produced the beat as part of Nappy Boy Production.

T-Pain's distinctive sound has proven to be succesful in the charts and the track will prove to be catchier the more you hear of it.

The album is full of sound and fury. Each track is skilfully produced and some of the up-tempo tracks can put you in a trance but for the true fans of the two this by far is not the strongest material that they can bring to the "game".

Tracks to look out for:

He ain't gotta know about me

Ones to pass up:

Bachelor pad
Hood Star

by Heba Keshk on 21st of January 2008

Over the last few decades, England, in particular London, has gone from being a dominantly Christian society to a more diverse and therefore a more tolerant society.

Recently, Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester, has aired his opinions on what he calls "no-go areas" for non-Muslims.

He commented in the Telegraph about how Muslims have begun to take over certain areas and as a result have made it "difficult to live or work there" if you are of a different race or religion.
London is more multicultural then ever..

The highest Muslim populated areas in London include Ealing, Newham and Tower Hamlet. According to research by the Guardian 10- 58.2 per cent live there.

"It is now less possible for Christianity to be the public faith in Britain," says Nazir-Ali.

It is evident that Nazir-Ali is concerned that the introduction of other faiths will result in Britain losing "confidence in the Christian vision" and culture.

Nevertheless this isn't solely related to different faiths. It has more to do with multiculturalism and secularism.

Current Britain

The current mentality of British families has changed with the rise of the country's secularism.

Many of today's parents do not raise their children on the values of the Christian faith. Instead, children are left to form their own opinions and judgments of what is right and wrong and what is morally accepted.

These morals are often based on social norms, peer pressure and media influence. According to Nazir-Ali other faiths - mainly Muslims and their creeds - are forcing Christianity towards extinction.

Buddhist monks in central London not an unusual sight anymore..

His article has been perceived as one-sided, intolerant and even discriminatory.

Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) says: "Bishop Nazir-Ali's remarks are quite frankly more like the kind of commentary we would have expected from the far-right BNP, not a responsible figure of the Church of England."


London is known for its diversity and freedom of speech. This is evident through the public display of groups practicing and preaching their religions.

Some people can perceive this as a distraction from Christianity, yet Michael Nazir-Ali fails to mention this in his article and argument.

For example, members of the Hare Krishna passionately display their faith and try to entice passers-by towards their faith.

"Be a Winner not a Sinner"

In his article Nazir-Ali mentions the amplification of the Islamic calling for prayers (adan) as an unnecessary noise.

This can be compared to a Christian member of the public, Philip Howard, who was recently given an ASBO for harassing the public with his approach of preaching using "artificial amplification".

In some cases he would even single out individuals with verbal comments causing distress and humiliation.


Generally, it is an accepted fact that politics and religion are always going to be part of life.

Many people choose to use religion to control politics and create barriers in society, others choose to be tolerant of others and allow people from any background and religion to feel welcome in Britain.

Blaming faith groups creates unity amongst haters of those particular groups. It ultimately hinders our society, further segregates Britain and causes prejudice and intolerance.

Tolerance is the key to moving forward in Britain and creating real unity regardless of an individual's beliefs, culture and background.

As revolutionist Martin Luther King Jr, famously said: "We may have all come on different ships but we're in the same boat now."

Student Survival Guide To...

by Heba Keshk on 21st of January 2008


Okay, so we all have them and the majority of us at the beginning set out to get work done well in time for the deadline. However, realistically 90% of us who thought this, soon find themselves lost in day dreams.

We somehow delude ourselves that everything will fall into place but in the end you will be pulling an all-nighter to meet the deadline.

Yes, there is a sense of achievement but it is likely to affect the quality of your work.


Some people don't know where to start. Plan out the essay and give yourself a rough word count for each topic/argument you are looking to cover.

Find a relevant key text. Don't spend hours on end reading a book you are struggling to get a quote out of. It's not the quantity but the quality.

DON'T forget to reference!!

Know your word limit and stick to it. Cutting out words may be a struggle, yet once you re-read your work you tend to see information that is repeated and therefore not needed.

Stick to the essentials. Don't spend too much time on descriptions and avoid repetition.

If you feel you have little time in your day to dedicate to your essay, use the public transport as a way to start.

When you're sitting on your train or bus the least you can do is jotting down a few sentences or even brainstorm about what you can potentially include in your work.

This is very useful, too, when you are actually starting your work. There is always information we forget under pressure.
Everyone knows the exact date of the arrival of their student loan. Many weeks before that you yearn for it.

You dream about how many outfits it can buy, the laptop you've always wanted or the concerts you meant to go to.

However, a month down the line you start questioning - 'how did I get this broke?'

Here's some advice on how you can stretch it out:

As soon as the loan and/or grant arrives make sure you check your statement and see how much you're working with.

Don't spend without delegating money to rent, overdrafts, bills and books.

If you do abuse your loan, the least you can do is make sure you buy most of your books ASAP. This way when it comes to researching and writing essays, you don't feel too tight spending up to £200 on books.

Because let's not fool ourselves; that IS the main reason why we even have a loan.

If you're renting accommodation pay rent in advance. It will set you back for a bit but if you're working, at the end of the month you know you got some money to look forward to.

Avoid shopping online, as all it takes is a click and it's purchased. Four pounds here, seven pounds there; it soon adds up.

When you're going out with friends, set yourself a limit in cash and leave your card to your student loan at home.

This limits you to spending excessively without realising.

Finally, don't fear checking your balance/statement every week. It's much better than risking your card getting declined and saves you the embarrassment and extra stress.

Make sure you're on track with every £££ you spend.