I turned up at Shepherds Bush Empire just before 6pm... 5:54pm... First in the Queue! (first time EVER!!) Its Mos Def!.. Definitely worth the wait!! .. Obviously all my people where running late.. running on African/Arabic timing! Cha!

Got into the venue.. seated my Tushy in the Balcony section. This section was the closest one can get to Mos Def on Level one!

DJ was on point and the supporting act where really cool. Sadly like most artist Mos Def was running......LATE!!! 10Pm he comes out! .. Begins with Super Magic from his latest album- The Ecstatic!

Super magic black origin freshly out of dopeness
He mainly sang tracks from The Ecstatic.. I was sooo glad he did my favorite track off the album "Auditorium (feat. Slick Rick)" ... I Heart this track A LOT!! Lyrics.. concept, beat and SLICK RIIIIIIIICK!

imma soldier in the middle of iraq
well say about noonish commin out the whip
and lookin at me curious, a young Iraqi kid (awww)
carrying laundry, whats wrong G? hungry?
no, gimme oil or get the fuck out my country
and in Arabian barkin other stuff till his moms come grab him and they walk off in a rush

He Also Sang: Revelations..

Better still keep a even dose of each cause until you get justice
You wont get peace peace peace peace peace peace

Twilight Speedball

Every day
Having a goooood time
Every day


Top priority...peace before everything...God before anything
love before anything...real before everything...home before anyplace...shoot before anything...style and state radiate...
love power slay the hate

Mos Def explained to the audience that he is not longer on a record label and that he is planning to start his own so he will deliever his music personally. He then Went on to sing "His last EVER Heartbreak song".. TAXI.. This was the highlight of the night (b4 meeting him in person of course):
Oh God, Fight back its the war of the hearts..
Angry fights, sleepless nights, Life ain't easy.. but its alright, I've come this far, so why not fly?

Quiet Dog

So and uh rock it, don't stop/ Brooklyn and the kids, heat up your stove top/
bang the empire/ stang the navigatin away/ bring your preservation made the greatest hip-hop!/ the cool-dude swagger look terribly corny/ they flow so petty, unsteady, it's boring/ these dudes ain't throwin, they yawnin/ they need to get off it/ so "wack rap" is all you can call it

During the performance a girl in the crowd who was very drunk kept pushing into girls wearing Hijab, Mos Def immediately got concerned and asked the girl to
"Love my people!.. My Muslim Sisters.."
Later on I saw the girls who got pushed around and Mos Def took them backstage and thanked them and apologized for the girls behavior!! (Owwwwwww!)

He ended the night with "Umi Says"..A classic that everyone can sing along to!

Mos Def showed how humbled he was to be amongst his UK fans! He kept thanking us for coming and on a number of occasions gave shout outs to his Muslim Sisters (Pow!!!!!)

After he sang his final track he unplugged the mic and the DJ played outro tracks and Mos Def began handing out roses to the audience! If only I was on the ground floor! (Darn it!)

He then began to mime the songs being played by the DJ and dancing!

This was such a unique experience! It was a blessing to be part of it!

Lucky for meeeee and my EarthAngel, we met Mos Def at the end of the show!! WOOOOHOO! Its still very Surreal!


Today is the day!

A friend of mine went to see Mos Def on Tuesday and told me it was amazing, so thats more reason to get excited.

what to wear? hmmm!! Do I got for my old school Retro look? Girly look (haaa..me girly?) or "can't be bothered" look? :S

Final Upload for the pre-hype Mos Def time..

I decided to go on a creative tip, so from now on, any pictures reaching my Facebook page will have some creativity involved!

Reason being: Behind every pic is a story... If I'm gonna share it with my friends, they need to know what went down! :P

Ahhh Maaaayyyn.... Now that I'm on a Mos Def Tip, I CAN'T STOP!! :P Taken from the 'Black Star' Album.. Mos Def & Talib Kweli.... REDEFINITION

LOVE <3>

We live the now for the promise of the infinite

Love & Peace

My folks said they was in love when they had me
I take they love they made me wit to make rhymes and beats

People...........I'm going to see Mos Def On Thursday 15 April 2010 @ Shepherds Bush Empire!

Thought I might as well Upload some track over the next couple of days to pre-hype me and share the love! :P

Can't Waittt!!! Its gonna be a serious gig!

Shes Baaaaaack!

Everyone has been going on about how controversial the video for 'Window Seat' is.. the fact that she strips down.

True it is a good twist, but the message behind the video itself is so much stronger and meaningful then a bit of Booootaay.

In the beginning of the the Video, a radio clip is used that is very similar to the radio transcript that was aired as JFK reached the same location to where Erykah filmed her video.

Mz Badu Walks through the streets of Dallas, going down the exact route that JFA walked through before being murdered. As she walks down the street she begins to remove items of clothing before she ends up naked at the same spot where JFK was assassinated, where she is then shot in the head.

The video was shot with a hidden camera so apparently people didn't know she was filming anything, and if anything they thought she was a random lady losing the plot.

The video was shot on the 13th March 2010 with no pre-warning to the public.

So I would definitely suggest everyone watching it a couple of times:

First time: To see the hype of Erykah's Booty! LOL!

Second time: Really take in the lyrics and the concept of the video!
