Grrr..... I'm ill!!! Left work early as I felt my head would blow if I stayed any longer! Not only do I have this cold/flu/feaverish ish that's going round...... But Aunty Flow is here and she aint shifting for a minute.

So thought I'd write a likkle something something!

Now to the topic...... living in London, you are bound to bump heads with celebs.

And as a youth I always wanted to meet Donell Jones and Tyrese.... But I didn't Wanna come across as a crazy ass fan (which i AM!) but instead a clam person who doesn't really know who they are just "bumped" into them and thought "hmm Cute!" .........

Kept telling myself I won't scream with excitement and I won't talk about them....but instead.. I'd act "coooool" so they thinks "wow shes a fly chic and she isn't obsessed with me!!!" Looooool! Gosh did I give it too much thought.. but I was 13 going on 30 at the time.

Then there is REALITY!!! I'll begin with the list of people I met.. And yes some are 'LOL' Random:
  • Musiq Soulchild
  • Fundamental (yes they were famous and girls did and prob still getting excited over them.. especially that Kyle.. Yummmy! Aheem )
  • Kat (Presenter)
  • Cleopatra (back when they are "Cleopatra coming atchya")
  • 112
  • Jahiem
  • Ginuwine
  • Imajn (remember...... "shorty you keep playing with my mind.. you tease me all the time but I had Enough")
  • Dru Hill (in Pizza Hut)
  • Destiney's Child
Wow didn't realise the list is that Loooong! I know some people are gonna be reading this and going "I met more"......Well I didn't meet them coz of my career or coz I got someone whos can "hook me up"......... I Just happen to bump into them (well besides musiq.. I waited for him after his gig! )

So I've met allllllll these people and with every single one of them I didn't know what to say. (well besides cleopatra.. I just spoke to them casually)

Only after I walked away from them do I know what to stay!! And gosh Did I have things to say..

Then there are Celebs that I have seen but not approached and this is Why:
  • Do I approach them and accidentally bug the hell out of them as obviously I wasn't the first or last person to approach them in one day and them thinking "so that's sad fan number 203 for today"
  • Say Hi and that's it? now I'd look like a random person just saying Hi to random people
  • Do I say "I really like your material/acting/voice (etc)" for them to say thank you and walk away.....
  • smile at them as i'm going past so they could go "ok freak!!"
Then again.... If I ignore them then..
  • They'd think I was trying to be "too cool " and not say hello.
  • I was rude to ignore them like they I don't know who they are
  • They may get depressed that they are going past hundreds of people and not a single person acknowledged them
Great Example.... Taio Cruz

I saw him on Saturday in Fulham Broadway when I was going Cash point inside Sainsbury's.... He was leaving Sainsbury's as I was going in.... I instantly recognized him.. told my sister and she was not bothered ..... But me being a fan of his work I really wanted to do something.... but he looked at me and I just looked away like I was guilty of stealing his shades!! WTF is wrong with me. why can't I just say something?? he was ALONE!! and he had a Nandos Bag that he threw away so clearly he ATE alone! The moment went as he walked off while I play my exit theme music in my head "Hes Like a star.. like a star.... Like a star... Hes like a Star" ..... in both English and Arabic

Then on my way up to go movies, I saw him in Joy!! another eye contact but not even a friggin smile could come out of me!! again WTF is wrong with me?? Dude I just look rude .. or could he read the excited/cool look in my eyes? and thought "keep away from the crazy bitch!" lol!

I know your all thinking..... Hebz its not like its "T.I or something" well for your information "T.I is just a normal person to someone else in the states.. and Taio is Talented" ........ Thank you!!

so this is a useless blog..... But I got to release my thoughts......

So its 8:50 on the 22nd March 2009...

Besides the obvious.. of it Being Mothers day and the death of Jade Goody (RIP) ...

Musiq Soulchild is most probably on stage and I'm MISSING IT!!!

Thought I'd just share it with everyone as I'm peeeved off!!! I know everyone who knows me know this isn't right....... as I NEVER Miss a Musiq concert!!! Grr!! EVER!!

So on the flip side.... Hopefully I will be seeing Mr Trey Songz and J. Holiday at the end of the Month!!

Oh and Brian McKnight is in concert..... ugh and Ne-Yo the choices are endless and my money is limited. Grr.

Now I've shared it with my peeps.. ... I'm out!!


Gosh, I began my driving Lessons around a year ago... You know, It was exciting to book that first lesson, then to have it..... I booked mine with AA. Thought "hmmm Ford Focus? Decent car to practice in!" ...... so payed for 24 hours up front!

Took 20 hours of lessons on a manual car.. Passed my Theory with two mistakes...... and booked my Practical test, only to get a call to tell me my instructor has double booked and guess who has to cancel?........ME!!! Son of A GUN!!

So third year uni took over my life which meant the lessons had to stop... That shouldn't be a problem if I was told "Heba you drive like a MAN!!" and to me in the driving world is considered a compliment. I mean He couldn't be talking about anything else riiight?????

Now 8 Months have passed! I call Up AA because I wanna do my TEST ASAP!! Wanna have my own Currrrrrrr!! (car!) Buuuuuuuuuut...... I don't want my old instructor, I mean me and him were cool, maybe too cool for us to take each other seriously, I need to PASS not gossip!

Not sounding Shallow but I got the person from AA to read a list of all the MALE manual instructors in my area...... Ali...Malik ..Akbur.. Mohammed .. Denis....."stop there!!" Sounds like someone I can work with!

No disrespect to the others, but this is my money and at that stage I am entitled to Stereotype!! If they are Arab and/or Muslim (WHICH I AM!!!!!! thought I'd Clarify that) I have a slight feeling they'd rinse me for as many lessons as possible! Could be Very wrong but decided to stick to my stereotypes! Ignorant I am!!

Mr AA man agreed with me that my first lesson will take place in XXXXXX on XXXXX and how my instructor will call me before hand to confirm the times!!!! "yay! I might have my license b4 my 23rd!!"

So my phone ringss.. and its my instructor Denis! first reaction in my head is "woooooaaah is this a joke?"... again I must mention me being human I stereotyped him as BIG GAY Jamaican....... Must emphasis ..... I have no issues with anyone being gay ( as I have gay friends) or being Big (I'm one to speak) Nor Jamaican ( My other half and many of my friends are orig from same background!)

I mean I could be wrong.. but my explanation behind this stereotype is ...... the higher the voice the Bigger they are, For some reason I can tell what race a person is from just by their tone in voice, not Accent! .. Just TONE! I'm Talented!

Brace yourself to this......... So I turn up... Guess what?? He is a big Gay Jamaican ! Oooh I'm starting to think my stereo types are accurate!!

His first few sentences made me feel anxious, he was loud, in my face and clearly stated a few times that "no other instructor can do it like him! "

So he then begins to ask me a few questions like "what is this?" ( pointing at what I though up until then is a Rear view Mirror) So with all confidence thinking it was such a STRAIGHT FORWARD easy question I replied "rear view mirror!!!"......

Thats when he turned around and stuck his finger in my face and said "Nuh!.... This is like a woman's handbag.... we all have one...... but ONLY WEEEE get to see whats in it!..... Its called a Drivers Mirror hunni!" ..... How am I mena react to that? Wow! ok???? Was it really necessary?

Then he told me to get to know the steering wheel and the gear stick and I quote "touch it .. caress it.. get to them... feel every Bump! " ........... again WOaah! Was it NECESSARY? like I'm starting to think this dude is on crack!
So That alone made me feeel soooo uneasy and tense about driving and may I mention........ At night!!!! ....

One I starting driving I clearly was still getting the hang of it ......but Mr Handbag was refusing for me to relax..... told me I was killing the steering wheel...... REALLY? REALLY? Do u blame me????

Me being the joker I am , I made him laugh a few times, Oh did I regret it! Every time he Laughed he'd slap me across my arm and hysterically rock back and forth having a laughing fit and then suddenly stop , stare and me and erupt with another set of laughter! Nah .... Nah.. don't Touch me.... I don't know you like thatQ Really????

SO right now, for the first time EVER I looked at the time praying its almost home time.. coz right now I'm feeling homesick!!! WTF!! But No no nooooo I got another hour and a Half!
All this time and torture and its only been half an hour?????

Throughout the lesson he kept reminding how great he finds himself and everytime he asked me questions, he really didn't give me a chance to reply and he again stuck his finger in front of my face rotated his neck 180 degrees and told me "Nooo.. coz your previous instructor isn't me!"

Everytime I did well he'd click his fingers 5 times while staying "Wickiiiiid wickiiiiid"..... Dude I can't relax if everything is soo hyped and Over Crazy!! I need to Focus on driving not on where your finger is flying to!!!

SO end of lesson he asked me what i thought of him, but as it was soo surreal , I was thinking this is as good as a dream (but a nightmare) so I can say what I want coz once I leave the Car I will wake up!! SO I said he was good in parts, but he was too much for me, like he made me anxious!! (wow I'm brave!.. this could of turned ugly) ....... he instantly got defensive and ask if he was tooo enthusiast .......... I think replied with a hint of frustration ... "enthusiasm is GOOD...... Its just your Approach!!" ........ bottom Line.... I made an excuse to why i couldn't confirm future dates and that I'd contact him..... Felt like a first date gone sour and me saying "Don't call me.... I'll call you" only for the person to never call back....

so I contcted AA... I need me a new intructor and I give up on Manual...... This dude converted me ..... BIG TIME!

So right then I just wanted to pass my test.. and just be able to go from A to B ....... don't care about gears anymore!!! AUTOMATIC... (Yess I did insult most ppl who drive automatic..... Lazy Mofos... I am now one of you!!! )

So got new instructor ..... Byron....... Left me a voice message " Ello Eba this is Baroon your driving instructor from the Ah Ah".......... no stereotypes.. the accent speak itself.... All I could think of at that time is Little Ms Docelyen! LOL! But he sounded much cooler than my last instructor..

1st lesson, Very laid back dude... let me drive.. was very on point....... Me thinking..... Yeah this is gonna go smooooothly!!! Again..... I was wrong....... 2nd lesson, he made us park up in a petrol station while he spoke to family in Lagos.. REALLLY??? Am I being pranked ? I'm having a Lesson! Damnit people!!

Then when I began to drive He received another 3 more calls from Lagos.. where he had long conversations while I drove at 8pm almost crashing in a few cars..... Dude ..... Not Cool!

3rd Lesson....... couldn't tell you how that when..... waited 20 mins.... called him..... that when he went "Ohhh ello ebaaa.. Ow are you?? " .. Yeah I'm waiting and have been for 20 mins.. "ohh we had a lesson today???" ..... what the Rasss... YESSS we do! "ohh I am running behind schedule and I forgot to call you!" ......Dude..... not Cool!

Call up AA again........... I want my Money I'm done with this ! Next move............ CRASH COURSE!!! Anyone know a good company for intensive lessons? Need to get this Sorted!!
Musiq Soulchild Vs. Trey Songs/J.Holiday!

People People, I'm in such a dilemma !! I Have a Love for music, so Live music is my thing..... Oh Gosh this month is my Birthday month and due to my Holiday to Disneyland, Paris, my Pockets are empty!!!
Also this month are two concerts I REALLY want to go to!!! Like REALLY want to go to!!
Musiq Soulchild Vs. J. Holiday and Trey Songz!!!!! All at the Indigo!!! OK I've seen my Musiq live around 7 times and met him once!!
(The Pic is like 4 years old.. so don't Comment on the look!!)

But I'm too dedicated to not feel crappy about missing hearing his new album live, Especially not being able to hear "SoBeautiful" LIVE!!!!! "You're myyyyyyyy babyyyyyyy my looooooover my ladyyyyyyyy, Allllllll night you make meeeeee Want youuuu,it drives me crazyyyy......" (Getting excited just the thought of it!!!)..

Musiq's lyrics are DEEP on some other level that these Fine young men cannot even touch!.. ...But.. But.... but.......

...But then there is my Beautiful singer Mr T Songz!! Gosh! I've been NEEDING to see him for sooooo Long! His Lyrics.. grr. He Looks Hella Sexy even with his goofyness! If ya'll know about Trey Songz you'll know about "Role Play.. role Play, we can do it your Way" and "Sex for your stereo"

When you see me in the videos babe, Do I make your body go crazy?(Yesh! :$ ) Or when you catch me in a magazine baby,Do you rip me out and save my page? (no I just have a whole album on my computer!!) If my voice comes through your speaker and you legs suddenly get weaker...(yes although YOU physically does that already!!!) this is for you. (why thank yoooooou homie!.. got me blushing and sheeeeeeeeeet!)

To make it harder, J.Holiday who I like (not Mad about) is also preforming.. and I reeeally like about 5 or 6 of his songs.. although I think he only has one Album (not being bitchy.. ok maybe a likkle!)...........But to hear him sing (the Most Obvious one) "Beed beeed beeed" and "Come here" Come On Come Herrre ...Come Herrre ..I Know U Wanna Come Closer ...Come Here Come Here I Want U Closerrr N Closeeerrrrr" and "Betcha Neva Had ".. Body Like a Mutha Fucker.... Damn Right .. . LOL! I sooo I wanna here these tracks annnnnnd "I cant breathe when you talk to me,
Cant breathe when your touching me.......Suffocate when your away from me much love you take from going out of my mind "

BUT do i really wanna go to another concert filled with Teenage hormones??? Stupid Young ones getting Hysterical over these men??? We only have room for one Crazy Fan....... Thats me!! everyone else just looks silly! LOL! I'm joking!!

On the Realliooo .. I wanna hear them preform LIIIVE!!! (before someone says "listen to their album!!") and not a bunch of screaming Chics...... Sing along please do!! Just don't scream!!

See With Musiq The audience is much different then these two guys or any other male artist under the age of 30.. as girl under 20 cannot control their emotions!!! With Mr Soulchild People actually either singly (Politely) along with him and remain silent so they can hear him sing so soulfully!! ... Why can't that happen elsewhere?????

Because this decision is soo hard.. I'm soooo worried I'll end up going to neither of them!!! Which is even worse!! people! Heeeelp!!!

Finally 23!
So it was approaching my birthday and I didn't know what I wanted to do and what presents I desired!

I mean I got all year to think up a gift I really Want but Thank God, I didn't need anything.

As for what to do? I've really wanted to Just up and leave ENGLAND not just London, So Marrakesh was on the tables and so was Portugal.. But I was never really in it!

So after much research I decided I wanted a fun packed day that made me feel like I was getting YOUNGER instead of OLDER........................ hmm were to go to relive your childhood? hmm....


Thats it!! I knew that WHERE I WANTED TO GO! No other place can keep me 100% Happy!!!

So then I began my official hunt for my total package, baring in mind I only had a week until my birthday, so this is Last min searching! With the help of my younger sister I was felt that this can be done!!

Last minute. com was really useless ........ everything overly priced.

So Was the official Disneyland website. Sorry, we ain't paying £600 each for 2 nights! Do I look like a Mug! Me naaaaaaaah think soo!

then I came a, where I found Magic Circus Hotel, which was VERY close to Disneyland, I'm talking 4 min drive!!!

The Prices for the rooms where decent.... So with no time to spare....... I booked it! Obviously not thinking about other bookings, such as transport and Disneyland Park itself.

So next thing was transport, I thought Eurostar, best option, I mean EVERYONE does it! Can't be that expensive !!! LOL! How wrong I was!! Gosh! £120 return..........EACH?? Pssht! I'd rather ride a cow to paris!!

Other options:
  • Plane.........Frikking expensive
  • Car.. Long but Cheap!!1
Who can guess what one we went for??

6 HOURS DRIVE!!!!! It was 6 of us, my sisters and my beautiful friends...Woohoo! Get to go on a Ferry (never done b4) and a ROAD Trip!!

Booked the tickets for Disneyland and we where ready to go.
got there safely... at 2am in the morning. Hotel was fly and so was their breakfast..

The whole trip was full of fun got to see the Eiffel tower as we drove past it! lol!
Besides the car accident or shall i say "bump" .. I can say I had a wonderful 23rd B-day in Paris.

I can officially Say I have gone to Paris... Bout time!!!

For those who know me.. I got three albums up on Facebook, check them out.
