OVER the past couple of months a moral panic has occurred about Muslim women covering up. Claims that it’s hard for communication between two people when one is covering up their entire body except their eyes.

A lot of opinions have been voiced in regards of whether Muslim women should have the choice of covering up.

Why should it be down to anyone to decide on a religion or even suggest a change in something they have little knowledge and understanding about, so Jack Straw airing his views in a talk which had no relevance to anything, resulted in a problems, was the problem of communication the only reason for this alarm or it is a motive so something else?

Jack Straw said: “It (veil) was such a visible statement of separation and of difference”- a cross, turban, Jewish hat, dreadlocks, hoods or dressing in a gothic manner, all these are some examples of separation and their appearance makes a statement of who they are, what they believe in and a reflection of their lifestyle, some can as intimidating to others.

A teenager wearing a ”hoodie” with baggy trousers, who talks in slang maybe intimidating and stereotyped as an undereducated “thugs” to gothic person as well as other people, in contrast a gothic person maybe intimidating to a “thug” and my be stereotyped as devil worshippers, this is just based on talks about style and not religion.

This alone shows that the veil isn’t the only “statement of separation” as Straw stated. In his talk he continued to say that this country give rights to human freedom, so why create an issue of the veil now, considering the fact the veil has been worn in the UK for years, with no problems.

Not considering the outcome of his expression, since Straw’s speech many Muslim women have been attacked as a result to his words or could it be a “coincidence” like the aftermath of 9/11 and 7/7?

Muslims are being bullied at school, having the veil snatched of their heads, women have been attacked on the streets and their veil taken off by force by another random stranger who felt they can take it upon themselves to do such an ghastly thing.

“…blamed Jack Straw's comments for an attack in which a woman's veil was torn from her face… the day after the former foreign secretary criticised veils that cover the face..”- BBC NEWS ONLINE

This hasn’t only created an issue with Muslims but also non-Muslim women, feminists in particular, who feel that Muslim women are feeling more oppressed when they are forced to take off their veil. Women for years all over the world have complained over the fact that they are being portrayed as sexual objects and that some men cannot see beyond the beauty of a woman’s body. So covering up must only show that the women are not giving in to such a stereotype and lifestyle, should they not be looked on as a role model for children and other females who feel peer pressured by society and the 21st century expectation of a woman and what is portrayed in the media.

A Muslim cannot tell a Christian or any other person to remove any symbols that represent their religion as its part of their strong beliefs.

In the Quran it says that women and men have to cover up, woman more than men. This isn’t oppression, it states in the Quran that women have more rights over men and are placed higher as they’re the fundamentals essence of the human race.

According to some of the non-Muslims, woman wear Hijab (Veil) because they are forced to by their husbands and male relatives therefore they are oppressed.

This is far from the truth. In Islam it is something you do in respective of the body you are in as they are properties of Allah (God), so covering up is a duty for Muslims.

«"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty...And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and adornments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers...(a list of exceptions)"» [Quran, Chapter 24, verses 30-31]

The purpose of the Veil is to cover up a woman’s external beauty and only expose her inner beauty through her mentality and her intelligence, to avoid unnecessary attraction when in public; this makes both men and woman not look at her as an object that can be judged on solely by her appearance but, instead appreciate her for what she stands for and her mental strength. She is then seen as equal to the rest.

Many Muslim women don’t wear a veil because they either chose not to wear, as they may not be that committed to their religion or because they aren’t ready to wear something that strongly symbolizes ones religion.

The most reaction a veiled woman would get in a non-Muslim country is a funny look for standing out but no sexual references will be made on their appearance.

Many Muslim women are very successful and highly educated in the western world. They have a voice; they are respected by their men and live a very fulfilling lifestyle.

Statistic shows that Asian girls in the UK are achieving higher grades in their GCSE’s and further education compared to White British and Asian Muslims boys. If oppressed then education wouldn’t be priority but instead bring a perfect “house wife and daughter” would be the main trainings of their culture according to stereotypes.

“… girls of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin - 90% of whom are Muslim - have overtaken white boys in performance at GCSE, with a higher proportion achieving five good passes at grade C or above...”-Guardian Sept 7th 2006

Since the tragic event of 9.11, Muslims have been placed under a microscope. Men with beards have been stopped and searched, Prophet Mohammad was mocked using cartoons, Students are currently being spied on and abuse is received on the regular and now the attack on the Muslim dress code.

Does any of this really have relevance with the greater good of the community? Or is this just another attack on Islam?


BFG =] said...

Brapp, goo Suga plum fairy! iLike this 1. too many judgemental ppl. we're supposed to be in a christian country..yet its very hard to find sum1 who would be worthy of being called a saint. no1 follows jesus' example but they are quick to call themselves christian. tut. im not pickin on christianity for ne christians who feel they're offended, its the same for all religions, which is why d world is messed up rite now!

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