I have Quit my JOB!

Yes........ Quit it! Oh My gosh I cannot do retail anymore!! Seriously! Its just pure Slavery !

6 Years is just a little too long for me!!!

True I am a big girl but don't give me 8 boxes of stock EVERYDAY to unpack or shelf.... Plus do dirty hours (6am-2pm or 2pm-10pm)

30 Min Lunch.. If that!

I need a life!!

I need more time to find a job that pays an annual salary not an hourly one!

I just finished my degree! I did my degree for a reason...... right?!

I do NOT need to be in this RETAIL job!

It felt so amazing/Liberating quitting my job.. I left the building with a smile, knowing What I did was for the right reasons. It was like a fat kid lifted off my Shoulders! oh wee!
As everyone who reads my blog knows uni is over and I'm looking for a career/job.

Buuuut I think its essential to celebrate with my peeps 1st. So that's exactly what I did.....

The following day I was on a mission to apply to as many career related jobs as I could...

Only to be bombarded with all these recruitment companies trying to get me into media sales .. People just because the words MEDIA is in the job title doesn't fool me! Oh no! I know exactly what those jobs are about! I refuse to give in so soon!

So... I've added my name on to job mailing list with a few recruiting and broadcasting companies.

Now I'll just await the emails to come...... and continue applying!

Will keep ya'll posted.. (how Fun!!)

Yes ! Yes! Yes! For The Love of God/Allah ... FIKKIN YESS!!

My Degree is over and I have Graduated! I forced myself to attend the ceremony just so it sinks in!!
Never Thought I'd See that light at the end of the tunnel. I have witnessed the "light"

Finally I can look for that Dream Job... I mean it can't be THAT hard to find!
My Energy Levels are high and I just wanna go for it!

Wish me Luck people! Its gotta be done!!!

Ok I had to put a pic up to prove I have actually sat through my full three years!! (Almost gave up!)