The long awaited mixtape was finally released at the end of April of this year.
ElektRemixed Album is mixtape that DJ RNS has been working on for over 4 months. If you've heard all his other mixes then this is like none other you've heard before.

Manotti de Vinci) has stepped out his comfort zone and has experimented with electronica/house music. With the use of some hip hop tracks this mixtape definitely holds a unique flavor and sound.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of electronica or house music but he gets my vote on this mixtape.

Its free, its fresh and funky, (sound like a cheeeeesy advert) so download it now for FREEE for all you tight people who are scared to let go of their money! :P

To hear other mixtapes click here of visit DJ RNS official page.

Peace and Love.


Anonymous said...

I love this REMIX,,ive been waited for this,,D BEST of the BEST,,D' ONLY ONE''DJ RNS''

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