by Heba Keshk on 07th of February 2008

Located in Mayfair, in the heart of London, Absolute Ice Bar is notorious for its all ice interior.

From the walls, to the seats, the tables and the drinking glass, everything is ice.

So coughing up £15 for admission to the venue for 40 minutes and a complimentary drink doesn't sound too bad at all!

The ice is transported especially from the Torne River in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden afterall.

However once you get to the venue, expect to wait an additional ten minutes at least for purchasing your tickets.

As you walk into the bar two men literately chuck a designer thermal cape with a hood over your head, without warning.

Leaving you with your coat and bag still on, so not much of a bar atmosphere.

Over priced

Once you finally get into the "Ice Bar", the staff flood in crowds at one go, so you'd anticipate the size of the room to be somewhat gigantic and the music to be pumping.

However to much dissatisfaction, you can walk around the perimeter of the room in 10 seconds and be back where you started. As for the music, it felt like you just entered a gallery!

You are given a ticket for your drinks, which all the choices consist of Vodka, minus the three options of fruit juice.

Once you get past the shock of the size of the venue, it is almost impossible to find a seat to experience the full ice atmosphere.

The only way it can be fun is if you make it enjoyable by taking plenty of pictures with your mates, otherwise you will leave the venue even more disappointed.

Ice Bar is over priced for 40 mintues of nothing. Only one ice sculpture could be seen and people walking around puzzled and confused due to much disappointment. Definitely a one-time experience, not worth doing again.

Visit Absolute Ice Bar at:
31-33 Hedden St


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