Jump Off Review

Located in the heart of London, The Jump Off takes place every first Monday of the month in Astoria 2, formally known as Meanfiddler.

If you’ve seen “8mile” and love the choreography of “Stomp the Yard” then Jump Off is the place to be. The night is filled with different segments from a fashion show, dance off to an MC battle, however not taken seriously, as there is nothing but good vibes from get go.
Doors opened at 8pm to the audience, where they watched and participated in a professional photo shoot.

The main show was scheduled to start at nine but like most live gigs there is a delay, but finally when it got started everyone was beginning to liven up and some even shook a leg.

With a combination of Hip Hop and comical dialogue, the night was hosted by “Rap 6” along side Kiss FM DJ, Manny Norte, with the help of Kimberly Jay, former presenter and Nike Athlete.

First off was the dance battle; the competitors ranged from both genders aged 3-30 from all over Europe and parts South Africa. The dance moves were breathtaking and the music perfectly set the scene.

A fashion show, shortly followed, by designer “Stush”, it consisted of two lines, one of which was lingerie and the other being ladies evening wear. The majority of the outfits were very flamboyant and were uniquely designed, which left most men with their jaws hanging trying to capture pictures with mobile phones.

The most exhilarating part of the night was the MC Battles and the stand-up segments as they both had jokes at other peoples expense and with much ad-libbing, not a single straight face could be seen in sight, “Laugh out Loud” humour is the best description for the two parts.

Definitely a “must go” event! It’s a good laugh, a brilliant atmosphere and unforgettable experience.

Tickets: £6 in advance/£10 at the door
Location: Astoria 2
Rating 4/5



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