Finally 23!
So it was approaching my birthday and I didn't know what I wanted to do and what presents I desired!

I mean I got all year to think up a gift I really Want but Thank God, I didn't need anything.

As for what to do? I've really wanted to Just up and leave ENGLAND not just London, So Marrakesh was on the tables and so was Portugal.. But I was never really in it!

So after much research I decided I wanted a fun packed day that made me feel like I was getting YOUNGER instead of OLDER........................ hmm were to go to relive your childhood? hmm....


Thats it!! I knew that WHERE I WANTED TO GO! No other place can keep me 100% Happy!!!

So then I began my official hunt for my total package, baring in mind I only had a week until my birthday, so this is Last min searching! With the help of my younger sister I was felt that this can be done!!

Last minute. com was really useless ........ everything overly priced.

So Was the official Disneyland website. Sorry, we ain't paying £600 each for 2 nights! Do I look like a Mug! Me naaaaaaaah think soo!

then I came a, where I found Magic Circus Hotel, which was VERY close to Disneyland, I'm talking 4 min drive!!!

The Prices for the rooms where decent.... So with no time to spare....... I booked it! Obviously not thinking about other bookings, such as transport and Disneyland Park itself.

So next thing was transport, I thought Eurostar, best option, I mean EVERYONE does it! Can't be that expensive !!! LOL! How wrong I was!! Gosh! £120 return..........EACH?? Pssht! I'd rather ride a cow to paris!!

Other options:
  • Plane.........Frikking expensive
  • Car.. Long but Cheap!!1
Who can guess what one we went for??

6 HOURS DRIVE!!!!! It was 6 of us, my sisters and my beautiful friends...Woohoo! Get to go on a Ferry (never done b4) and a ROAD Trip!!

Booked the tickets for Disneyland and we where ready to go.
got there safely... at 2am in the morning. Hotel was fly and so was their breakfast..

The whole trip was full of fun got to see the Eiffel tower as we drove past it! lol!
Besides the car accident or shall i say "bump" .. I can say I had a wonderful 23rd B-day in Paris.

I can officially Say I have gone to Paris... Bout time!!!

For those who know me.. I got three albums up on Facebook, check them out.


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