You know the saying.. they either don't come all or they all come at once!!

Since I've "widened" my Horizon and general prospects.... Things have actually began to work in my favor...

I've been getting calls ......loads of calls .....some of which are very Very Pointless, time wasting, good for nothing calls.... anyone knows why???

Its cool though as I've learnt to simply deal with it!

On the flip side I've stumbled across two potential jobs.. on in Job seeking industry (Me.. The jobless one. get hired and help others find a job.... a good idea?.. Just Kidding!!!) and a Bank Job...... don't know which bank yet... But were best to get paid from other than a place that supplies it!!

So keeping my option opened.

OMG this may mean no more Job hunting blogs left to write!! what am I gonna write about?

OK Officially PUT OFF (until further notice..)

Dreams DON'T always come!

SO plan B has come into play... Oh I didn't mention plan be... well i did but not directly..

Plan B:
  • Find a Office based Job
  • £18k+
  • Mon-Fridays
  • Customer Service Focused
  • No Fashion retail!!
  • still aiming for 9-5 ...ok 6ish MAX!
  • Accepting to work women....period! Well not when your On your period .. or coming on it it.... or ...... coming off it.. .. oh .... Erm on Just avoid me on MY period! Deal? Deal! :P
  • Widen my Search.....I fear Maths... but applied to a few banks and other financial based ... I mean we all got Calculators ...right?
  • Apply to Random Jobs.. Like Ticketing area of the Natural History Museum!

My liberated feeling is beginning to turn into slight worry and concern... this lady has bills to pay!!


Hmmm....Maybe I'm a little Picky!

O K... I..... h a v e ....h a d....... a n o t h e r...... r e a l i z a t i o n....

My List is far too picky and detailed.

I have come to realised I will NOT find a job this way... .

STILL ......... Media sales........ Out the question! ! ! ! ! I maybe Cold person at times...... but Cold for a living? Me Nah Think so!

Why can't we all be like Hampshire County Council !?!?

my Hunting Continues...

So It is what it is

Being a recent graduate, I have come to accept the closest job to Journalism or media as a whole is MEDIA SALES! WTF!

Sorry but I am not one to be sucked in by that.

While studying I've work in retail and to be honest I'm DARN good at what I do! As far as Customer service and the gift of the gab! So why waste 6 years of retail experience. It would be a shame to ignore that and go into post-graduate slavery (also known as Cold Calling!!)

Since graduating I've been applying for jobs that work with my experience but being very picky about it.. so here is my criteria:
  • Pay above £20k
  • Hours 9-5 (ok or 9.30-5.30)
  • Non-retail...... I will go crazy if another person talks at me like I'm a undereducated woman with no goal.
  • Must work with JUST MEN!! (OK at least one man!) Women can be really hard to get along with.
  • Don't work weekends.. unless its my dream job (presenting on Radio again!!)
  • Min of 1 hour lunch... you'd be surprised to how many places just give 30 mins!! I should really report them!!
  • Located near a train station. I don't do buses
  • Get paid for overtime!!!! No Free working!! We live in London! please try and remember that!
Not too much of a fussy list.. I'm just asking for the basic.

I've decided to keep everyone updated with whats happening in the search for a POST GRAD job!!!