R.Kelly is no longer Trapped in HIS Closet…

R.Kelly who is renowned for his song writing has recently confessed that despite his musical talents he suffers from illiteracy and managed to scrap his way thought grade school.

The award-winning artist recently spoke at the Midwest Music Festival in Chicago; about the issues he faced while kicking off his career.

"When I was trying to make it out here, I already knew, and I was stubborn about it," he said. "I don't even read really and I'm not afraid to say that. My cousins and brothers used to tease me 'you can't even read right. How you think you're going to come up?' The only reason I graduated from grammar school is because I had a great jump shot. I went to high school and [my teacher] told me 'you will one of the greatest writers of all time.' I believed. You [have to] believe it. You can't believe [anything] if you're hating. You can't achieve [anything] if you're hating."

Its evident that this disability has not stopped the “Number 1 Sex” singer from his ever growing success since he began his career 1990.

Statistics released in January 2009 by the U.S. Department of Education state that 1 in 7 Americans couldn’t read, that's about 32 million people across the country.

Many of these illiterate Americans lack basic literacy skills meaning they can't read a book or the directions on a pill bottle.

R.Kelly's forthcoming album is due in stores Oct. 12… Look out for its review, coming soon.


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