Every Year we all have to face this one day where society has made it a Must to be with someone or just feel really wack about yourself.

Valentines day.. Whats it really about?

Its stereotypically meant to be a day where roses, chocolate and jewelery are given to girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and Wives.

Romantic Gestures from a perfect dinner, an engagement ring in a middle of a bunch of roses and a card filled with ideal lyrics to set the scene for this day.

(Vinyl Scratch!!!!!)

When will people understand... The reality of V-Day is high expectations from people. Pressure ... Stress and a lot of money wasted.

Spend money on the person you love, take them out. But don't base it around that day. It will 9/10 times end up with argument , because one person made an effort and the other person didn't quite match up.


Unless your happy with your status, Valentines Day will never be a great day for you. A day to remind you how VERY single you are. It will also piss you off to the point of no return as everything you read, see and eat is linked to valentines day... TV has suddenly committed itself with the most soppiest ish in history. Even the ADVERTS.

All Merchandise in every shop has either a heart, rose or RED splattered all over it.

Your Favorite Bakery Biscuit has now become heart shaped... why!!!

If you are born on Valentines day..... even more frustrating if all you'll be getting is left over Valentines gifts!

This is how it should work out:

  • Take this day to tell everyone you care for that you Love them... Mum dad, uncle sister.. best friend... etc. ..

  • Take advantage of 2 for 1 offers. with a friend or your other half. You may even end up with a free rose or a freebie

  • Remember if your single ... your not alone... if you feel alone..read this .... A lot of couples break up by the end of Valentines day or the day before.
  • You might end up finding a potential future partner while out with mates.

  • If your a movie lover.. You know you got hours of end of films even if you have to have a bucket on standby. lol
  • Buy Flowers to a family member such as a parent or a sister.... Love is love.

Whatever happens.. Don't be stressed, don't feel obligated and don't feel down. 24 hours and everything will be ok!!

Romantic gestures mean more when they are NOT expected.. so I say do it every other day AS WELL AS 14/feb

Make sure to make the most of this day ... even if its mocking it!


Anonymous said...

I hate V-day!!

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