So I have come to the realisation that the person I was talking about when I said " It will 9/10 times end up with argument , because one person made an effort and the other person didn't quite match up" I was actually talking about My Life!! Grrrr!

So... after all the stress, the sadness and the shite that I have experienced today...... I have decided to give up on Valentines Day and just see it as a revoltingly cheesy day where people put the real/fake emotions on their sleeves to either:
  1. Please the one person they care for and make sure that V-day goes according to both their expectations .. i.e. roses...dinner...Poetry...... The rest I'll leave to the imagination.

  2. To simply get into someones pants so they will say EVERYTHING you want to hear and mean None of it! (And no..... not my situation AT ALL)
I love the person I'm with and Believe me we are Solid ......... solid as a Rock! And nothing’s changed it [Oh…] The thrill is still hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot...............OK I'll stop there!

My point being... this day is soo unnecessary. There are more events of the year that mean so much more such as birthdays and other festivities. They alone consist of much effort to be worried about to even begin to stress about this..

I mean if you want to buy me a gift on V-day.. Well I definitely WON'T stop you... This means I will just no longer EXPECT anything.

Not even a rose! why should I?

If I get it all year round (yeah right!) then why would I suddenly NEED to have one on V-day?

Whats the differnce ? Will this rose prove that my other half loves me more or is more attentive ..... or is he simply just following a set of rules? I'd rather we Freestyle.

Anyhoooooo.. I think Anniversaries are enough.. They are unique to every couple and hold many more memories and meaning behind it!!!

So whos with me??? ..... Ok I guess I'll go alone!

and to think I use to be a sucker for v-day!! lol!


Anonymous said...

I fully agree with this brief expression on your thoughts of Valentines Day....

I don't think we need a day to automatically tell us when we are to be 100% romantic and 'fake'...

Back 80 years, all the public holidays and marked celebrations were all celebrated with eagerness and enthusiasm, whereas now, we all just follow a 'sheep-like' system of commercialisation.

It should be a gut feeling and real appreciation for your loved one to give them a rose anytime of the day, week, month or year. A relationship works better if there is more surprise and unplanned events thrown in the mash, if we think of a relationship as a set amount of rules we are definitely going to endure one where it feels like a pain in the ass regardless of how many roses and chocolates we consume. lol

Dwayne Stewart

Anonymous said...

I AGREE 100% =]
valentines day is just another day to me =\ i dont understand what all the fuss is about, and why on this ONE DAY i have to show my love to people i already care about!
Like you said, if my other half wanted to buy me a gift(which he did hehe) then im not gooing to say no and not accept it, but dont neccessarily expect more than a hug back LOOL
The only good thing i could say about valentines day is sometimes, it makes people understand that you don't have to half a man/woman by your side to be loved...but you got so many other people around you =]
&& just to add...i think valentines day is also another SCAM way for the government to gain more money of us ;[


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